Our kiddos

Our kiddos
Eli and Addy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's Been A While.....

So, I know I've been somewhat absent from the bloggerboard lately (ahem......since January). But, the family and I have had a ton of stuff going on. I've been cheating on my blogspot account with facebook......and it's been stealing most of my updates. The church stuff is going alright but ministry is going really well. We've been able to make some pretty great relationships that feel a little more like family. Ashley's job is getting easier to deal with - she finally got some help with her students. Eli's doing really well in school and loves it. In his class they have a few seniors from the high school that come in and assist Eli's teacher with stuff and both of the high school boys were in a musical over the weekend......High School Musical 2. One had the lead role and the other boy had a supporting role that pretty much overshadowed everyone else (that kid was so funny). Anyway, Eli was enamored by the theater and I think he's seriously considering it (which, honestly, is fine with me as long as he keeps singing). Addy's getting huge - and she's so stinkin' pretty (she looks just like her momma).
So, here are some recent pics of the kiddos. Enjoy!

What we do....

What we do....
Our Calling