My step-dad always says, "If you're gonna be gotta be tough." Well, I think there's a ton of truth to that. My whole life I've always had a heart for trying to do the right thing. Of course there were times of rebellion where I did exactly the opposite of what I knew to be the right thing - but that lingering (and sometimes fleeing) spark of truth seemed to haunt me every time I screwed up, constantly reminding me of the fact that I knew the right thing to do - but refused to do it. You know what's funny? Most of the time, I was able to manipulate the situation and weasel out of any kind of serious trouble. Sure, there were times where I thought I was a little more sly than I actually was and wound up getting into a whole mess of crap I couldn't get out of - but that was rare - mostly, I could talk my way out of it.
It wasn't until I met my wife that things changed. I didn't understand it at first - I fought it, wrestled it, even refused to accept it as reality - but, somehow, against my will, I grew a conscience - and, truthfully, I'm glad I did. But, it seems funny how, now, I try to go out of my way to do the right thing and more often than not it blows up in my face. How does that work?
I'm not kidding. I used to know the right thing to do and did exactly the opposite. Now, I see the right thing to do and act upon it and it kicks me in the tail. The Lord must definitely have a sense of humor because I swear sometimes I can see Him - sitting on His throne, looking down at me and the junk I'm in, laughing Himself silly, telling the Holy Spirit beside Him, "Hey, dude, watch this.........Bah-ha-ha-ha!!!!"
Yes, I realize that's absurd - but it paints a pretty good picture of how my life has changed so drastically over the last 10-12 years. I guess my step-dad is right, though - regardless of how hard it seems, I will continue to do my best to try and do the right thing.